17 min. / 2019
"This lovable, unconventional tragicomedy captures the eccentric charm of everyday life in Vienna. The paths of a tobacconist in the 15th district and a customer, both of whom are struggling with problems, cross here in a chaotic manner. Scintillating dialogues and a keen eye for things Details harmonize perfectly with great performances in the hands of an extremely talented author and director. " (Neil Young, VIENNA SHORTS)
With: Leni Wesselman, Matthias Neukirch, Mercedes Echerer,
Martin Leutgeb & Buntspecht
Written & Directed by / Olga Kosanović
Produced by / Konrad Sulzmann
Director of Photography / Valentin Lilgenau
Sound & Mix / Stefan Bück
Grading / Lee Niederkofler
VIS Vienna International Shorts (AT) 2020
YOUKI International Youth Media Film Festival Wels (AT) 2019